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Cactus Rush: Ability Update
Started by partykid4

31 Aug 2023
Last Seen
02 Sep 2024




Today we bring you another major change to Cactus Rush, an overhaul to the existing ability system!



▸ New Ability: Phase


Phase is a new ability that lets you teleport to the block you are looking at, as long as it is either sand or red sand.





▸ Ability Shop


The Ability Selector has been turned into the Ability Shop, with an updated layout to fit the new ability.



Here you can unlock new abilities. They are no longer unlocked by default, each one will cost a variable amount of coins.



The prices for each ability are as listed:

  - Flash: Free (Unlocked by default)

  - Breaker: 500 coins

  - Deathball: 750 coins

  - Blind: 250 coins

  - Freeze: 100 coins

  - Phase: 1000 coins




▸ Blind/Freeze Nerf


The Blind and Freeze abilities now only work in a radius of 20 blocks.





▸ Blueberry Update


Blueberry has been returned to it's original state.





▸ Fixes


- Fixed being able to spectate while already in a game.

partykid4 · about 1 year ago · Last edited: about 1 year ago