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Achievement Overhaul
Started by partykid4

31 Aug 2023
Last Seen
02 Sep 2024


Hello everyone!


In an effort to make the server more uniform across all our game modes and better handle our recent growth, we have been hard at work overhauling many of our internal systems. Today's update is one of those overhauls!


Today we're officially releasing an overhaul to the previous achievement system, which was only available for ElytraPvP. This update has been a long time in the making, so long that most of you probably had no idea it was never announced. Earlier today we finally completed the migration process, and are ready to release it publicly!



▸ New Achievement System


Achievements now carry over across servers! You can view the achievements and rewards from anywhere, along with your completion, in the new Profile menu!



Each achievement now also has a new reward, Achievement Points. Achievement Points are intended to signify how difficult an achievement is to obtain. The harder the achievement, the more achievement points it is worth. This points will in the future be used in an official leaderboard.



You can also see your total achievements and achievement points by hovering over the "achievements" item in the profile menu.




▸ New Achievements


With this update comes many new achievements in 2 new categories!



General Achievements


General achievements are achievements you can earn anywhere on the server! Here are the current general achievements.


  - A Whole New World (5 AP)

  - Am I in Trouble? (5 AP)

  - Better With Friends (5 AP)

  - Let My Voice Be Heard! (5 AP)

  - Veteran (5 AP) 



Cactus Rush Achievements


Cactus Rush is also getting it's own achievements! We have a lot more planned in the coming weeks, but for now here is the current achievements.


  - Chicken Chucker (10 AP)

  - Desert Destroyer (10 AP)

  - Genesis of a Journey (5 AP)

  - Observer in Training (5 AP)

  - Persistent Planter (10 AP)

  - Snowball Fight! (5 AP)

  - Take That! (5 AP)

partykid4 · 9 months ago · Last edited: 9 months ago