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Cactus Rush: Lobby Update
Started by partykid4

31 Aug 2023
Last Seen
02 Sep 2024



Hello everyone!


We are back with another big update to Cactus Rush, this time to the lobby!




▸ Updated Lobby


The lobby has been enlarged!





▸ New Leaderboards


There are now leaderboards for each mode!





▸ Lobby Parkour


The Infinite Parkour from the main lobby is now available in Cactus Rush! Perfect for downtime between games or waiting for a friend to come on!



The NPC takes the skin of whoever has the highest score.




▸ Fixes


- Fixed Phase being free instead of 1000 coins.

- Fixed Phase not announcing its usage to the user or spectators.

- Fixed a typo in the out of range messages for Freeze and Blind

- Fixed public queue games not starting until the game is full.



It is amazing seeing you all so excited over Cactus Rush, and we're excited to continue to improve the game!

partykid4 · about 1 year ago · Last edited: about 1 year ago