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Future Infrastructure Changes
6 months ago


Hello everyone! It's been a bit since we've last made an announcement here, so we wanted to give an update on what we've been working on the past few months.


In an effort to make the server more scalable, and allow us to host large tournaments in the future without issue, we have been reworking pretty much every backend system. This changes are going to role out slowly over time, and we still have a lot of work left before this begins, but we wanted to describe some of the big changes that are coming....

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Achievement Overhaul
9 months ago


Hello everyone!


In an effort to make the server more uniform across all our game modes and better handle our recent growth, we have been hard at work overhauling many of our internal systems. Today's update is one of those overhauls!


Today we're officially releasing an overhaul to the previous achievement system, which was only available for ElytraPvP. This update has been a long time in the making, so long that most of you probably had no idea it was never announc...

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Cactus Rush October Recap
11 months ago


Hello everyone!


Sorry for the lack of consistent updates. We've been hard at work on some major changes behind the scenes that you will be seeing fairly soon! Despite this, we have made a number of changes to Cactus Rush throughout the month of October. Here they are:



▸ Team Colors


You can now select your team co...

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2023 Halloween Event
12 months ago



Hello everyone!



It's officially spooky season! If you haven't noticed, we've made a variety of Halloween-themed changes to the server. Here are some of the highlights.




▸ Halloween Hub





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Cactus Rush: Lobby Update
about 1 year ago



Hello everyone!


We are back with another big update to Cactus Rush, this time to the lobby!




▸ Updated Lobby


The lobby has been enlarged!






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